Sunday, March 18, 2012

Can't You Read?

When I had dinner with Ronan last week he convinced me that I should allow Chelsea to run once we were in Sarphatipark. He assured me that off the lead Chelsea becomes a friend to all. Um, yeah...experience taught me that on the leash she is anything but friendly. Unhooking that leash and setting her free was a true leap of faith.

Off the leash, a tale of two dogs!

Um, there was one more thing...see, what had happened...

Sarphatipark is rectangular in design. A long, thin lake divides the park into two sides: one for dogs and one for um, well, let's just say that dogs are supposed to stay on the one side. I wish Chelsea knew that. I cut her loose and she did exactly what Ronan predicted: she'll check out her favorite spots. She'll mark the territory, and she'll do her business. Yeah, see it was the do her business part that was a tiny bit unclear (to me; the dog didn't seem to care about rules regarding where dogs should and shouldn't be.)

It was at about mid-field of the pee-wee soccer game that Chelsea did her business. I did feel a little sorry for the guy walking by who caught the ire of the parents on the sidelines. I don't understand much Dutch, but believe me, I swear I almost understood him as he explained, "That aine my dog!

Like cute kids everywhere, this one gets away with murder!

What did I do? I grabbed a handful of leaves from the wooded section and removed the problem. OK, it was kinda funny (especially when they started yelling at the poor man minding his own business!)

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