After six months, 173 days, 4152 hours, 249,120 minutes, 14,
947, 200 seconds; more than a dozen cities, countless train, tram, bus, bike
and elevator rides; absolutely too many dirty dishes, laundry loads and dryers
that don’t do what the name implies, Waking Up In Holland caught up with the
Waking Up in Holland: So.
Me: So.
WuiH: All done huh?
Me: Almost, well, not really.
WuiH: Oh?
Me: This is the assignment that won’t end.
WuiH: Won’t end? I thought it ended June 21st.
Me: Well, the
teaching part ended June 21st, but I still have more to do.
WuiH: Like?
Me: Like… I
still have to file Dutch taxes for 2012.
WuiH: Holy cow! How do you do that?
Me: Through an accountant, which means I have to leave my
bank account open.
WuiH: So, other than that, all done?
Me: Almost, well, not really.
WuiH: Oh brother, back to the taxes?
WuiH: Oh right.
Me: I already
sent two huge boxes home. Bit of a nightmare, that. They were held up in
customs for a week.
WuiH: Ooooh? Heard the sirens singing; did ya?
Me: Stop.
WuiH: You’re the one who brought it up.
Me: It’s not like that. The paperwork was messed up.
WuiH: Messed up? What’s that mean?
Me: It
means…you would think the currier would know if the paperwork was insufficient
before he accepted the packages.
WuiH: You’d think.
Me: Well, we would, but apparently they don’t.
WuiH: Get it straightened out or will you get our own cell
in a Dutch prison?
Me: I said, “Stop.”
WuiH: Sorry, too easy.
Me: That aine funny. I know funny and that aine funny.
WuiH: Let’s talk about your time in Holland; can we?
Me: Sure.
WuiH: What have you done the most?
Me: The most? Let’s see…the dishes.
WuiH: Very funny.
Me: Funny, but not fun. Housework, laundry, ironing…the
absolute worst.
WuiH: (Laughing) You don’t sound like a Merry Maid to me.
Me: Let’s just say I have a new appreciation for…um…doing
the laundry.
WuiH: I see how this is going. Can I ask you about the blog?
Me: Sure.

Me: Yeah, it is.
WuiH: Do you have other examples?
Me: I’m sure I do, let me think.
WuiH: That could take a while.
Me: Excuse me?
WuiH: Nothing, go on.
Me: Rembrandt and Swiss cheese.
WuiH: Told ya.
Me: Let me
finish… Did you know there’s no such thing as Swiss cheese? There’s cheese from
Switzerland but there’s no such thing as Swiss cheese.
WuiH: How long did it take you to figure that one out?
Me: Um…the
first time I asked for it. The cheese ladies probably laughed like hell after I
WuiH: So, you
lived in Europe for six months and your big awareness is that Americans have
made up a generic name for Emmenthaler cheese?
Me: Well, when you put it that way…
WuiH: Oh brother. You mentioned Rembrandt?
Me: Can’t get enough. How did I not know?
WuiH: Want to talk about that?
Me: Have you even looked at my blog?
WuiH: I can see you’re getting worked up. Not my fault you’re
from Essex.
Me: What’s that mean?
WuiH: Can we go on?
Me: Sure.
WuiH: What’s
the plan now?
Me: What plan?
WuiH: What now? What’s next for you?
Me: Let’s
see. I don’t have a plan, but I can tell you this much, whatever it is; it’ll
be with Gwaz.
Me: Beg your pardon?
WuiH: Sorry. Can you explain?
Me: At this point I don’t want anything if I can only have it
without Gwaz.
WuiH: Awwwl...that's lovely. Getting' weepy; are you?
Me: You're startin' to irritate me.
WuiH: What doesn't?
Me: Good point.
WuiH: What about teaching?
Me: What about it?
WuiH: What did the ISA administrators say?
Me: I don’t know.
WuiH: What do you mean you don’t know? Did they say
Me: No.
WuiH: No?
Me: No.
WuiH: Damn.
Me: That’s what I thought.
WuiH: Didn’t they watch you teach?
Me: The head came in for twenty minutes the first week I was
WuiH: Twenty minutes? That’s it?
Me: That’s it.
Head? I can think of several uses for the word ‘head’ but not as the principal
of a school.
Me: No comment.
WuiH: Isn’t head when…
Me: Let it go.
WuiH: Yeah, probably best. But did you learn anything? I
mean, about you?
Me: Let’s see… um…I don’t pretend to know me.
WuiH: I’ll say.
Me: What’s that?
WuiH: Nothing. Go on.
Me: Doing the
same work I first did 36 years ago has been…um…it’s been in a strange way a
privilege. I mean, how many of us get to go home? I mean really go home? How
many people get what I was given?
WuiH: How many want it?
Me: Yeah, that
too; but for me the path from where I started isn’t exactly what I would have
predicted back in the day.
WuiH: Why is that?
Me: It’s just
the way things worked out. One thing leads to another. One thing led to
WuiH: …and it led to this; right?
Me: Right. See…you get me!
Me: You mean like pot and red light?
WuiH: Are you saying you regret doing those things or you
regret not doing them?
Me: Hello! My wife will read this.
WuiH: She’s probably the only one…
Me: What’s that?
WuiH: Nothing. I was asking about regrets.
Me: I lost my hat.
WuiH: Lost your hat? What, like in the casino?
Me: What? No. I believe that expression is “lost my shirt.”
WuiH: Oh, yeah. So you lost your hat?
Me: Yeah, darn it.
WuiH: You lost your Canadian Nerd Hat? How in the…
Me: No, no. I lost my Eddie Bauer toboggan.
WuiH: How’d that happen?
Me: If I knew that, I wouldn’ta lost it; now would I?
WuiH: OK OK man…touchy.
Me: I liked my hat.
WuiH: Clearly. Jeese. Can we go back to the one thing leads
to another thing?
Me: Sure.
WuiH: What’s up with that?
Me: I choose to see it that way.
WuiH: What way?
Me: …as one thing leads to another.
WuiH: Oh OK, go on.
Me: I was
destined to be here. I was meant to be here. I was supposed to intervene in the
lives of these children—and they in mine. This is the start of their lives…
WuiH: …and the end of yours?
Me: Right. Wait, what? Do you know something?
WuiH: Just kidding; relax.
Me: That aine funny. I'm tellin' you some things just aine funny.
WuiH: Sorry. What were you saying?
Me: Are you even listening?
WuiH: What’s that? OK just kidding…I’m listening. Go on.
Me: I look at it this way: their lives are added to mine;
and my life was added to theirs. Know what I mean?
Me: Yeah, not sure really. Hey! Wait one darn minute…people
like me.
WuiH: I know, I know…young, thin, and handsome; right?
Me: Exactly. Don’t forget…winning personality.
WuiH: How could we?
Me: Beg pardon.
WuiH: Nothing. Before we go, is there anything else?
Me: Actually there is.
WuiH: Why does that not surprise me?
Me: Can I finish?
WuiH: By all means...
Me: Hey Cindy and Ronan, I love you both for taking care of me; and say goodbye to my girlfriend for me.
WuiH: That was nice.
Me: Don't start.
WuiH: Girlfriend? You? Oh ...nevermind, you meant the dog; yeah that was funny; please go on.
Me: To my other "girlfriends"...I will never forget your kindness. As I was swimming like crazy just so I didn't drown, you were all there with the life-jackets. I will never forget you.
WuiH: Until next time?
Me: Until next time.
Helena, Lisa, JT, Heidi, Lisa |
Okay, you had me in stitches. Very funny Jay. We're all gonna miss you. A lot. Hugs, Ev