My lap top. From posting in this weblog to school work; from daily emails from my Southern Belle to other reminders of home; from the internet to streaming live-action sports (including the Ravens) via my MacBook Pro, I bless the memory of Steve Jobs every day.
My Thule Bag. Not nearly as ‘metro’ as similar shoulder bags are considered back home where my Thule bag might attract more than a few stares. Here? Are you kidding? No one stares. No one even notices you. If they do, you wouldn’t know it. Seriously, for reasons unknown to me, people here don’t even make eye contact. When they pass you on the street, they won’t even look your way. Hey, they make ‘southern hospitality’ feel downright intimate. Oh the bag—sorry. It’s cool; and more than utilitarian.
All my bags: two different backpacks, my Thule, and a "grocery" bag
My Canadian Nerd Hat. Seriously, I cannot wear my CNH at home. Why? The laughter? The pointing? The ridicule? Nay, it’s never cold enough in little ole Wake Forest. Here? Hello! For the past week my CNH is #1 on my shortlist.
My cameras. On about my third day at work, Heidi, one of my teammates in the fifth grade said, “So, what’s with all the photographs?” I had to be honest—beans spilled! On the other hand, you only get a one-way ticket; right? I’m taking a little tiny bit of my ride with me—thanks to my two constant companions.
And last? If I only get one more vote, I’m going with my fleece blanket. OK, OK, stop laughing. Marissa (sorry Jess, but I know better) bought me this little Christmas gift and I can honestly say that not a day goes by that I don’t snuggle on my tiny couch with my fleecy blanket. Hey, small pleasures are the best.
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